Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Role of Campus in Character Building of a College

The Role of Campus in Character Building of a College
Today, have a look the ways of improving morale in our country. Seems like the increasing of violence cases, the incoherence of politics rhetorical and the habitual life. As a result character education which emphasize to ethnic and religious is not applicable. Why? Because we can seen the character of education tradition in our country is not mature for infold character education as result of culture and religious worked. Because of that characters education should be suppose to pedagogy with strongly related to scientific regime and puerocentrisme who value student activities. The habit of critical thinking through the logic of a strong grounding in every argument has not become habitual. Talking about character building of a college, of course has strongly related with campus. As can be seen campus is an atom of character building of college.  Campus is not ivory tower that impedes a variety of critical thought and revolutionary. Indeed campus is the beacon tower of all studying various and empirical solving. Campus is a place that would create a young generation who have a good character, have good attitude and have ready to enter in the real life not to create an egoist doll that only cares to their self.  In this essay I will describe about the role of campus in character building of a college.
Didin S. Damanhuri states that a college is a student who incidentally as the entity of subsystem in society whole and considered ideally. Besides being an academic world that makes it taste the empirical and theoretical thinking, and independence are not bound by a variety of interests, it makes students have a broad perspective and outlook to be able to move in all walks of life. It also closed similar with Marx in Lincoln (1985) states that college is “agent of change, agent of social control, and   iron stock. But have we realized it? Or at least contribute a little at a change? Or just make our campus create apathy’s student which has high value without have any application in the life?  or campus just as scholar printer ready to work even able to ‘pawn’ ideal of  truth with just a big salary. Thousands and even billions of atoms then united to form a particle. Campus is a place where generations of enlightened nations will be born, also one of their atoms. And the particle is the student's own character. The gross national political scene in this Republic, the rampant corruption in various private and government institutions, the emergence of acts of radicalism, as well as various other social issues, undeniably stems from the existence of irregularities in the process of formation of human character itself.
To answer those questions above is characters education in college. Character education is a natural reaction to the stagnation Rousseauian pedagogy and pedagogical instrumentalism which emphasizes to ethical-spiritual dimension on personal formation process Forester (1969). The purpose of education is to build character embodied in the essential unity of the subject with life’s behaviour and attitude. Character becomes contingent identity that transcends the ever-changing experience. Foerster also states there are four basic traits in character education. First is the regularity of the interior in which every action is measured based on a hierarchy of values and normative values ​​should guide every action. Second is the coherence that gives courage makes a person firmly on principle, not easily swayed or frightened in new situations of risk. Coherence is a fundamental and builds trust with each other. The lack of coherence undermined the credibility of a person. The third is autonomy, there was someone from outside to internalize the rules be for personal values. It can be seen through an assessment of personal decisions without being influenced or urging other parties. Fourth are determination and loyalty, Dependability is an endurance one to covet what is considered good. And loyalty is the foundation for respect for the selected commitment. Maturity is the fourth character, continued Foerster, allowing people past the stage of individuality to the personality. "Modern people often confuse between individuality and personality, between me naturally and I'm spiritual, between the independence of the exterior and interior." Character is what determines the form of a person in all those actions. Because youth is the anxiety, is galloping pace of change.
 As a result, campus is a miniature or simulate of the real life in society context. Campus not only creates an intellectual student, but also dilute noble in any field, regardless of competence. Dynamic movement of students not only narrowed the meaning of the demonstrations as a student advocacy process, but more than it are dilated characterizing its meaning as a process of student character, competitiveness and noble, through whatever way. This is where the beginning of an inevitable formation of personalities of national youngsters who really beneficial to our nation, state, and religion. ".what is thinking if it separate from the problem of life” (WS. Renda). Have a look the development of our college today. Most of them are only confined to the routine activities in campus and do not have a broad perspective for the future. They just come, learn, then go home and do nothing. It really scares if our young generation continually has perspective like this. So as a college it is our responsibility to build a formidable character and has a mature personality, not only as a student who must complete an obligation in an academic environment. The important thing is we have to pay attention the role of a college. We have to have a role in community and apply the knowledge gained while in college. Science is not just theoretical, but practical knowledge as well. Therefore characters building in campus are necessity to bring better for our character development in improving our ability holding on attitude.

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