Thursday, July 25, 2013

Psychoanalytical Literary Analysis of character of John Tyree in a Film “Dear John” by Nicholas Sparks

There are several ways to analyze literary works. Such as psychoanalytical literary analysis, deconstructive literary analysis, marxist literary criticism and feminist literary analysis. But this paper just only discusses psychoanalytical analysis, especially character on Dear John film. Psychoanalytical analysis is found by Sigmund Freud. Hjelle & Ziegler in Abimanyu 2010 states that psychoanalysis is a therapy method for disposition suffering and as a technique to detect what is in mind and insensible individual feelings.  So the aim of this analysis is try to explore a psychological condition in character. Beside that this analysis also will disquiet to character psychological changing and the effect of changing.  
Freud claims that actions are repressed fantasies and fears both in feeling and in thought. As well, he also states that three parts make up the unconscious mind are the ID, the SUPEREGO, and the EGO. “Ego is an aspect of the subject that emerges from the id the biological, inherited, unconscious source of sexual drives, instincts, and irrational impulses”. The ego develops out of the id's interaction with the external world. It is produced from the non-biological social and familial forces brought to bear on one's biological development and functions as an intermediary between the demands of the id and the external world. Thus, the ego can be thought of as a variable aspect of the subject constructed as a system of beliefs that organize one's dealings with the internal and external demands of life according to certain laws referred to by Freud as secondary process. It reconciles the biological, instinctual demands and drives both unifying and destructive in nature of the id governed by primary process with the socially determined constraints of the super-ego internalized rules placing limits on the subject's satisfactions and pleasures and the demands of reality.
Based on previous explanation this paper takes a Film “Dear John” By Nicholas Sparks to be analyzed. It will focus on psychology of John Tyree. It is a one way to figure out about how to analyze through this analysis. Beside that this paper will explore a research questions it is about how is the character of John Tyree on Dear John movie? This aims to look at the character of John Tyree on Dear John movie. This movie of research has a great potential to explore and giving contribution to us as the English department students who learnt literary criticism being able to analysis character by using psychoanalytical approach. The reason why I choose Dear john Movie to be analyzed, because Dear John Movie by Nicholas Spark is one of literary movie which talk about love and famous in this world. I interested with the story and the character of the actor in that movie. Specifically John’s character which has psychoanalytical changing after he meat with Savannah.
The aim of this study is to figure out John character on Dear John Movie. The first section deals with how to develop a measurement scale of personality, understanding the nature and developing of traits. Allports  theory develop a measurement scale personality which use some categorize such as intelligent, temperament, self expression (strength) and sociality and measuring “Self explained behavior”  in regards to some characteristics. Allport also describes the theory of “personality traits” 1921 which is based more on his view of human nature. He distinguishes between common traits and individual traits. Allports approached psychology in particular the issue of personality. Allport view “Psychology as the study of heal person”. Another basic approach he takes that individual human as unique.
The previous study which related with character analysis by psychoanalytical approach also is provides by Webber. J, (2006) Sartre’s Theory of Character. About development of a morally sound character, understanding the nature and developing of traits. Webber compares Aristotelian theory which views that traits are a combination of habit and insight. The theory also shows indeed Sartre’s view, by explaining the errors that have lead philosophers.  To approach this theory it is necessary to understand how Sartre identifies the functional roles that character traits fulfill, or the overall functional role that character as a whole fulfils. But on this paper this theory just a guidelines to analysis John character and this paper more prefer to stand with Freud theory about psychoanalytical.
The methodology that will be used in this paper is descriptive qualitative method which is describe John’s character on Dear John movie.  Guba and Lincoln (1994) determine a research paradigm as a set of beliefs that provides an understanding about how a researcher’s views of the world can help the researcher to choose some fundamental ways of doing research. For example, the research paradigm is related to the research method, the ontology (the nature of reality) and the epistemology (the nature of knowledge and what constitutes knowledge) of research (Guba and Lincoln 1994:105).
The source of data first I watch Dear John Film then assume John character based on researcher observation. From those I collecting the data by write every psychoanalytical changing character of john in Dear John film. Technique of analyzing data that I used is analyzing or indentifying the John character on Dear John Film. I also read Dear John Novel to some up my analysis of John’s character.
The approach that will be used in this paper is Psychoanalytical approach By Freud which deals with three parts make up the unconscious mind: the id, the superego, and the ego. The id involves basic desires such as food, aggression, and sex. Its prime motive is survival. Someone who is acting primarily on her id is considered less developed. The superego involves morality and is opposed to the id. It is formed from standards and morals acquired from parents and society. The superego leads to feelings of pride, value, and accomplishment. Someone who is acting primarily on her superego often denies herself pleasure and often develops obsessive-compulsive disorders. The ego is the healthy balance of the id and superego. Someone who is acting primarily on his ego will have her desires fulfilled in a manner acceptable to society.
The brief description of John Tyree, he is a soldier first, a man second. Or so he thinks until he meets Savannah Lynn Curtis. While on leave, he falls desperately in love with Savannah, the proverbial girl of his dreams. Sweet, intelligent, and giving, John knows he will always carry her torch. When September 11 changes the world, John is no exception. Moved by patriotic loyalty, he chooses to "re-up" in the army, adding time to his service and breaking his promise to return to Savannah. More promises are broken when he must attending to his ailing father.
This is the story of how an ideal love can falter, despite its purity and strength. Not every romance results in a happy ending, but with a great deal of luck, those who don't survive will find meaning from the experience. Love, loyalty, and friendship all those sentiments are great, but to what cost? And how does this make a good man great? This is John's journey to that understanding.
Based on previous explanation the writer, Nicholas Sparks tries to show the character of John as a young man which has significant changing in his psychological life. He used to be as a man who has no care with himself and he has no care for women. He always is be alone, he also used to be a man who always fighting with others. But he loved his father, he always take care for him. When he was a teenager, he asked about his mother to his father, but there is no clear answer where and who his mother is. When Savannah Lynn Curtis comes into his life, his life changed. He turns to be a very care man, respect others as a good human being and also take care for women. He turns to be loyal person.
Savannah Lynn Curtis is being showed as a woman who has big influence into his psychological life. Jamie is sweet, intelligent, giving, sociable, simple, and cares to each other even for animal. She always helps the poor people and always gives contribution for human development welfare.  That is all makes John changing. The simplicity and the way Savannah treats her life according to what it is supposed to be transform him being different a better person. One effect that happened to John Tyree is the way loves someone. He knows he is ready to turn over a new leaf.  Also John realizing that he is ready to settle down with the young woman who has captured his heart. Neither can foresee that 9/11 is about to change the world and will force John to risk every hope and dream that he's ever had. Like so many proud men and women, John must choose between love and country. And like all those left behind, Savannah must decide to wait or move on.
Savannah In psychoanalytical analysis, the action of John above about doing an exemplary activity is representing his EGO. Try to be an acceptable person in societies. Furthermore, the EGO of John can be seen when he has fallen in love to Savannah. He can control his ID and makes his life better. He is more take care for women. It is more increasing when John goes to fight for his country, he promised to himself to comeback for savannah. The EGO also shows when he promised wants to marry with Savannah after his comeback for the army. Marriage is a good symbolism of relationship in society.
In another part when Savannah asks for a help to John to help her to build an houses for humanity, while Rian were there. John finally accepts it. The superego is showed. John cannot refuse it because savannah has ever helped him for everything to his life.

References :
Abimanyu, (2010) Freudian theory ‘A brief outline of psychoanalytic theory’ (online) Available from:[Accesed 22/05/12].
Barkhust, L. (1999), Allports theory of traits,- A critical review of the theory and two studies.  Available from:[Accessed 18/05/12].
Guba, EG and Lincoln, YS 1994, 'Competing paradigms in qualitative research', in NK Denzin and YS Lincoln (eds), Handbook of Qualitative Research, Sage Publications, London, New Delhi, pp. 105-17.
Webber. J, (2006)  Sartre’s Theory of Character. European Journal of Philosophy 14(1) pp.94-116. Available from:[Accessed 17/05/12].

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